Participation of a lecturer from the College of Science in supervising a doctoral thesis at Tikrit University

Participation of a lecturer from the College of Science in supervising a doctoral thesis at Tikrit University

 In the field of scientific and academic cooperation between Iraqi universities, the lecturer in the Department of Biotechnology / College of Science / University of Anbar, Professor Dr. Safaa Abdul Latif Al-Muaini, participated as a supervisor of a doctoral thesis at Tikrit University for the student "Omar Abdullah Muhammad Al-Hashemi" entitled:

"  Evaluation of Microbial Contamination and Bacterial Genotyping Using Next Generation Sequence and Multilocus Sequence  Type in Al-Anbar Hospitals"

Where the thesis was approved with an excellent rating with honors.
The thesis discussed microbial contamination of hospitals in Anbar Governorate and its evaluation using modern molecular methods and techniques, where the researcher used the (NGS) technique to detect pathogenic bacterial strains resistant to disinfectants and antibiotics that inhabit and thrive in hospitals and cause known nosocomial infections, and some genetic relationships were revealed between heavy metal contamination and resistance to disinfectants and the use of some plant extracts in treating these dangerous strains.
The study was distinguished by its modern approach for the first time in Iraq, and the researcher was able to discover five new isolates that were registered at Oxford University in Britain under the researcher’s name.

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