Guide to writing dissertations

The research blog for dissertations and dissertations relies on investigating specialized research or applied issues that rise in importance to be a research or applied issue that is compatible with the requirements of the labor market. On the other hand, the blog is, in fact, a detailed, accurate and honest report, and it is an embodiment of all the mental, intellectual and practical activities and events that the student has undertaken in order to reach a useful solution to the problem on which the research idea is based.

The research focuses on adhering to the rules of reason and the rules of creation. The student fully adheres to the scientific research method in addressing the project problem and uses methods, means, and tools accurately, adequately, and objectively. The rules of reason mean reading the literature related to the research problem, understanding the positions of previous studies that stand behind this literature, and adhering to the rules of language in expressing the ideas contained in the research.

 To view the guide to writing theses and its template at Anbar University, College of Science

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