Discussion of the master’s thesis by the student (Eiman Khamas Salman)

Discussion of the master’s thesis by the student (Eiman Khamas Salman)

 The public discussion took place for the master’s student (Eiman Khamas Salman) Department of Chemistry - University of Anbar on Thursday 29/8/2024 in Ibn Sina Hall. for his tagged thesis    " Preparation of Nanocellulose from agriculture Waste for Biofuel Production "

The discussion committee consisted of:

University of Anbar - College of Science - President

Prof. Dr. Ahmed Mishaal Mohammed

University of Baghdad - College of Education for Pure Sciences (Ibn Al-Haytham) -Member

Prof. Dr. Juman Ahmed Nasser

University of Anbar - College of Applied Sciences (Heet) - Member

Assist. Prof. Dr. May Fahmi Abdulrahman

University of Anbar - College of Science - member and supervisor

Assist. Prof. Dr. Yusra Mahmoud Hammadi

University of Anbar - College of Science - Member and Supervisor

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Riyadh Muhammad

This study aimed to present research involved Extraction of NC by purification the (sugarcane bagasse and reed giant) alkaline treatment, bleaching process, hydrolysis with 35% H2SO4 and ultrasonic treatment.

The prepared NC was used to produce Sustainable biofuel by a simple and rapid method including fermentation nanocellulose by the Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast and compared it with cellulose fermentation.

In order to increases the concentration of produced ethanol, Calcium oxide nano particles (CaONPs) were prepared from egg shells Then added during distillation ethanol produced. Concentration of ethanol which produced from sugarcane bagasse and reed giant increased to (%97) and (%91) respectively after added CaONPs.


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