Discussion of the master’s thesis by the student (Tabarak Jamal Yaqoub)

Discussion of the master’s thesis by the student (Tabarak Jamal Yaqoub)

The public discussion took place for the master’s student (Tabarak Jamal Yaqoub) Department of Chemistry - University of Anbar on Thursday 19/9/2024 in Ibn Sina Hall. for his tagged thesis

" Evaluation of Natriuretic peptides and Its correlation with physiological aspects in hypertensive patients"

The discussion committee consisted of:

University of Mustansiriya - College of Science - President

Prof. Dr. Salah Mahdi Majeed

University of Anbar - College of Sciences - Member

Prof. Dr. Ahmed Mishaal Mohammed

University of Anbar - College of Sciences - Member

Assist. Prof. Dr. Muayad Mahmoud Mutlaq

University of Anbar - College of Science - member and supervisor

Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Jalil Ibrahim

University of Anbar - College of Medicine - Member and Supervisor

Prof. Dr. Ahmed Salman Obaid

The study aim to Using a catalyst made of nanoparticles, sunlight energy is used to remove pollutants from waste water by causing multiple chemical reactions that break down organic dyes in the water. This process occurs when sunlight strikes the Earth directly. In this research using a green method to synthesis gold, silver, silverchloride nanoparticles this method is eco-friendly, low cost, safe, and simple method, HAuCl4.2H2O, AgNO3 were prepared from prickly pear fruit extract (opuntia ficus indica) to generate AuNPs, AgNPs, and AgClNPs. This study aims to decompose of eosin dye by exposure to sunlight for 240 min. compared to other nanoparticles, silver chloride has a greater effect on eosin photolysis, with a decreasing concentration over time. This explains why, compared to using only eosin dye, photolysis increases when nanoparticles are used for up to 240 minutes. The characterization of AuNPs, AgNPs, and AgClNPs using XRD technology revealed that the formation of AuNPs and AgNPs with a face-centered cubic phase structure, and AgClNPs with a cubic phase were shown by comparing them with the reference card. The UV-visible absorption spectrum revealed that AuNPs had a broad peak at 548 nm, AgNPs a broad peak at 415 nm, and AgClNPs a wide peak at 203 nm. The (FT_IR) revealed several peaks below 500 cm-1, and the images of the (FE-SEM) revealed nanoparticles within the effective range of AuNPs (17-40) nm, (10-30) nm, (20-45) nm of AgNPs and AgNPs, respectively. The hemolysis percentage is < %5 indicating that using of these nanoparticles are not toxic.

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