Discussion of the master’s thesis by the student (Amna Adel Muhammad)

Discussion of the master’s thesis by the student (Amna Adel Muhammad)

 The public discussion took place for the master’s student (Amana Adel Muhammad) Department of Biology - University of Anbar on Thursday 9/12/2024  in Ibn Sina Hall. for his tagged thesis

" Evaluation of Natriuretic peptides and Its correlation with physiological aspects in hypertensive patients"

The discussion committee consisted of:

University of Anbar - College of Science - President

Assist. Prof. Dr. Rashid Mohammed Rashid

Al-Qasim Green University - College of Veterinary Medicine -Member

Assist. Prof. Dr. Hawra Hamid Naji

University of Anbar - College of Sciences - Member

Assist. Prof. Dr. Mina Sabah Farman

University of Anbar - College of Science - member and supervisor

Assist. Prof. Dr. Maryam Ibrahim Salman

University of Anbar - College of Medicine - Member and Supervisor

Assist. Prof. Dr. Mohammed Ismail Dawood

The study evaluated the levels of sodium diuretic peptides, which included atrial natritic peptide ANP, brain peptide BNP, and CNP type diuretic peptide in patients with hypertension and the study also dealt with determining the association of these peptides with other physiological variables included in the research A variety of electrolytes, including potassium, sodium and chloride, were also studied, and lipid profile was studied. The study also included determining the levels of the hormones resistine and aldosterin and measuring renin and malondidehyde as an indicator of oxidative stress in these patients.

The study showed a significant increase in ANP, BNP and CNP levels in the hypertensive group. A correlation between natriuretic peptides and some parameters was found in the study including, a positive correlation between ANP, resistine and renin. In addition, ANP showed a negative correlation with chloride and sodium. The results also showed a positive correlation between BNP with renin, BMI and aldosterone.

The study showed a significant increase in renin and resistin levels in hypertensive patients more than in the control group and a significant increase in aldosterone levels in hypertensive patients more than in the control group.  The study also showed that the serum malondialdehyde levels increased in hypertensive patients, suggesting the role of oxidative stress in causing high blood pressure.

The study showed a significant increase in the levels of cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL and VLDL in the hypertensive group, compared to the control group. There was a significant reduction in HDL levels in the hypertensive group compared to the control group. The study showed a significant increase in sodium and chloride levels and a decrease in potassium in hypertensive patients compared to healthy people.

Nadiuretic peptides counteract the overactivity of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system and the sympathetic nervous system through characteristic endocrine effects on the cardiovascular and renal systems. This suggests that these peptides can be used as a treatment for hypertensive patients.

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