Discussion of the master’s thesis by the student (Ahmed Hamid Aboud)

Discussion of the master’s thesis by the student (Ahmed Hamid Aboud)

The public discussion took place for the master’s student (Ahmed Hamid Aboud) Department of Physics - University of Anbar on Wednesday 9/25/2024 in Ibn Sina Hall. for his tagged thesis

" Fabrication & photo-responsive analysis of nanostructured broadband multilayer Si / ZnTe / Zno photodetector "

The discussion committee consisted of:

University of Technology- Department of Applied Sciences - President

Prof. Dr. Raed Abdul Wahab Ismail

University of Anbar - College of Sciences - Member

Assist. Prof. Dr. Alaa Ahmed Dayeh

University of Anbar - College of Sciences - Member

Prof. Dr. Qais Abdullah Abbas

University of Jordan for Science and Technology / Jordan- member and supervisor

Prof. Dr. Burhan Al-Din Al-Bas

University of Anbar - College of Sciences - Member and Supervisor

Prof. Dr. Ismat Ramzi Abdul Ghafour

The study aims to prepare ZnTe and ZnO nano films by pulsed laser deposition technique and fabricate photodetectors from ZnTe, ZnO and ZnO/ZnTe hetrojunctions deposited on silicon substrates and conduct electrical characters  on the prepared detectors, which include (current-voltage) diagram in light and dark conditions, and (ON/OFF) measurements , as well as conduct detector parameter tests which include responsivity Rλ, detectivity D* and quantum efficiency QE and select the best.                                               

         Due to the lack of studies on manufacturing photodetectors that operate in wide ranges and at low cost, to overcome this problem, hybrid nano junctions were used whose optical properties are controlled by the nanoscale shape and size, which is reflected in the performance of the photodetector. Photodetectors are electro-optical devices whose function is to convert the light rays directed at them into an electrical signal. The electrical signal coming out of the photodetectors can be measured depending on the nature of the interaction between the light rays falling on them and the detector material, as well as depending on the material from which the photodetector is made.


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