Discussion of the master’s thesis by the student (Lara Saad Khalil)

Discussion of the master’s thesis by the student (Lara Saad Khalil)

The public discussion took place for the master’s student (Lara Saad Khalil) Department of Physics - College of Science - University of Anbar on Sunday 9/8/2024 in Ibn Sina Hall. for his tagged thesis " Evaluation the performance of Carbon-Metal Nanostructures Film for DNA Detection "

The discussion committee consisted of:

University of Anbar- College of Science - President

Prof. Dr. Ahmed Salman Obaid

University of Baghdad - College of Science for Girls -Member

Assist. Prof. Dr. Hind Fadhel Aliwi

University of Anbar - College of Sciences - Member

Assist. Prof. Dr. Thamer Yousef Motar

University of Anbar - College of Science - member and supervisor

Assist. Prof. Dr. Mazen Abdul Hamid Abdul Qader

This study aims to study the effect of adding gold nanoparticles on the structural, morphological, and optical properties of films prepared from carbon nanostructures sourced from battery electrodes and evaluate their DNA detection performance. Electrospray, and laser ablation methods were used to create carbon and gold nanoparticle films. Gold and carbon colloidal solutions with concentrations of (0.412, 1.944, 3.575) ppm. Electrochemical analysis of the electrochemical biosensor showed that high redox currents were obtained as a result of the introduction of gold nanoparticles.


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