Anbar University participates in the 8th for Asia-Pacific countries Forum

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Anbar University participates in the 8th for Asia-Pacific countries Forum

 Anbar University participated in the 8th Asia-Pacific forum  that join officially by IAESTE International organization to train and share the experiences of the students from9 /30 to 1/10 in the Sultanate of Oman - Sultan Qaboos University, in the presence of the President of the International Organization Prof. Bernad Pais. The forum is chaired by Dr. Duraid Muayed Abdul, Director of Cultural Relations Division at the University Presidency and Student Exchange Officer, IAESTE International, Iraq Branch.

Where they discussed several issues, including closer cooperation between member countries and strategic plans to develop the future of the Asian countries in the international organization and achieve a vision of linking companies, universities and students and strengthen international cooperation in the field of research and development and promote increased mobility of engineers among member countries and the promotion of other basic values.  Dr. Duraid Muayad gave a detailed presentation on the important steps taken by the ICRC at Anbar University, the most important of which were the establishment of subcommittees at the universities of technology, Tikrit, Salah al-Din Arbil, Basra and the Iraqi University, By Anbar University where the president of the organization and the president of the forum , assistant professor Ghazi AL-Rawas praised the achievements of Anbar university .
On the margin of the forum, the President of Sultan Qaboos University met with Dr. Ali Bin Saud Al Baimani, the participating delegations in the presence of Dr. Amer Bin Ali Al Rawas, Vice President of Sultan Qaboos University for Academic Affairs and Community Service, and Dr. Haj Bordousan, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering whereDr. Duraid Moayad Abdel-Tahrir conveyed the greetings of Dr. Khalid Batal, the president of Anbar University, and Dr. Mushtaq Taleb Al-Nada, Vice-President of the University for scientific affairs to the president  of Sultan Qaboos University, and the desire of Anbar University to open the horizons of practical and academic cooperation between Anbar University and Sultan Qaboos University.

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