
In implementation of the directives of His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research and with the follow-up of the President of the University of Anbar.

 The University of Anbar launches the application link for foreign students wishing to complete their postgraduate studies in Iraq (Master and PhD) for the academic year (2023-2024) for various specializations. Study seats are available as Free Scholarships or self-sponsored. Applicants wishing to study here can submit the required documents by filling out the online form the University has launched. Applicants wishing to get the master degree should be holding the bachelor degree in the same field of specialization they wish to apply for, and applicants for the PhD should be holding the bachelor and master degrees in the same field of specialization.

To view the numbers of Free Scholarships and offered programs, kindly click here:

Required certificates and documents, click here:

Application form click here:  

Applicant Undertaking Click here to download:

For more information, kindly contact the Department of Scholarships and Cutural Relation at University Headquarter on following

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