Guide of the University Researchers having the Highest (H-index) in Scopus - 2023

In Arabic
Guide of the University Researchers having the Highest (H-index) in Scopus - 2023

In recent years, the presidency of the University of Anbar has been keen to support and encourage its distinguished researchers with their qualitative publications in the scientific journals classified within the solid international databases by preparing a guide documenting that research output. In continuation of this approach, the president of the University of Anbar (Prof. Dr. Mushtak Talib Al-Neda) has given directions to prepare a detailed guide of the data of (228) researchers at the University who obtained a score of (3) or more (H-index) in the Scopus global database, in addition to the number of papers published in the database and the total number of citations. It's worth noting that the total number of University researchers who obtained the (H-index) is (485) in all specializations. It is clear from the guide that the highest (H-index) obtained by one of the University researchers is (44), followed by the second researcher  (37), while the third researcher has obtained (20).

It is noteworthy in the (H-index) guide, that the total number of University research papers indexed in the Scopus database at the end of the year 2023 rose to (4945) compared to (3799) research papers at the end of the year 2022. Moreover, the University has achieved a success that has represented  a turning point since its establishment, namely publishing more than (1000) scientific research papers in Scopus in one year, 2023.

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