Launching A Virtual Platform for The University Alumni

In Arabic
Launching  A Virtual Platform for The University Alumni

Launching a virtual platform (University of Anbar graduates): Sustaining communication and strengthening the bond between the university and its graduates.

In implementation of the directives of the Honorable President of University of Anbar, Professor Dr. Mushtak Talib Al-Neda, the platform was launched to enhance communication and build bridges of interaction between the university and its graduates.

The platform aims at providing opportunities for graduates to communicate with employers, and facilitate the process of searching for job opportunities available in the market. The platform is also a virtual space that brings together university graduates of all specializations.

The “University of Anbar graduates” platform is also a way to discern student news and developments in their careers. Thanks to this addition, the platform becomes more than just a tool for searching for job opportunities, but rather an interactive window that allows graduates to share their experiences and achievements.

The “University of Anbar graduates” platform constitutes a digital interface that enables the university to follow the paths of its graduates and provide them with the necessary support in their professional journey. This continuous communication strengthens the strong ties between the university and its graduates, and reflects the dedication to achieving the strategic vision of University  of Anbar in supporting and developing the capabilities of its graduates.


We invite all graduates of University of Anbar to enter the platform and register by visiting the link below:

University of Anbar Graduates Platform


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