Instructions to applicants for postgraduate studies

Instructions to applicants for postgraduate studies

 To applicants for postgraduate studies in the College of Science for the academic year 2024-2025 and candidates to take the competitive exam:-

1. The competitive exam will take place on Tuesday, 7/9/2024, at nine in the morning in the scientific departments of the College of Science, according to the previously announced distribution.
2. Applicants must arrive half an hour before the exam time to find out the exam locations.
3 Bring the applicant’s ID or national card along with the verified electronic form to the exam hall.
4All applicants must hand over mobile phones, electronic watches, earphones, women’s bags, and paper lectures to the college’s inquiries follow-up division and not bring them inside or outside the examination halls in the scientific departments.
5The interview, which is one of the conditions for admission to postgraduate studies, will take place after 12 pm, that is, after the end of the competitive exam, in the Ibn Sina Hall in the Deanship of the College of Science. Applicants must bring interview form No. 506 with the applicant’s name on it.

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