A twinning agreement with the Middle East University College

A twinning agreement with the Middle East University College

 In reference to the directives of the President of Anbar University, Professor Dr. Mushtaq Talib Al-Nada, to open up and cooperate with private colleges, the College of Science at Anbar University, represented by the Dean of the College, Professor Dr. Ismat Ramzi Abdul Ghafour, and the Middle East University College, represented by the Dean of the College, Assistant Professor Dr. Hamza Kadhim Al-Zaidi, signed a statement. A twinning and joint cooperation agreement, today, Wednesday, June 5, 2024. The agreement aims to enhance scientific and academic cooperation between the two colleges in various fields, including the exchange of students and faculty members through field scientific visits, organizing joint scientific conferences and seminars, and conducting joint scientific research. , exchanging experiences and knowledge, and enhancing communication between students and faculty members in the two colleges.

The twinning and joint cooperation agreement was signed in the presence of the assistants and heads of scientific departments in the two colleges.
The Dean of the College of Science at Anbar University, Professor Dr. Ismat Ramzi Abdul Ghafour, expressed his happiness at signing this agreement, stressing the importance of cooperation between Iraqi universities in various fields.
For his part, the Dean of the Middle East University College, Assistant Professor Dr. Hamza Kadhim Al-Zaidi, expressed his thanks and appreciation to Anbar University for its keenness to enhance cooperation between Iraqi universities.

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