Assistant President of Anbar University inspects the final exams

Assistant President of Anbar University inspects the final exams

 The Assistant President of the University for Scientific Affairs, Professor Dr. Wissam Hashem Khalil, inspected the final exams for the second semester of the academic year 2023-2024. He was received by the Dean of the Faculty of Science, Professor Dr. Ismat Ramzi Abdel Ghafour. This visit came within the framework of continued interest in higher education and ensuring the progress of Exams run smoothly. During his visit, Dr. Wissam stressed the importance of providing a calm and comfortable environment for students during the exam period. He also praised the efforts made by the teaching and administrative staff to ensure the efficient conduct of exams. During his visit, the Assistant President of the University was accompanied by the Director of the Registration and Student Affairs Department, Dr. Imad Khudair Salman, and the Director of the Graduate Studies Department, Professor Dr. Muhammad Qais Abd.

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