Opening a PhD study in the Department of Applied Geology at the College of Science

Opening a PhD study in the Department of Applied Geology at the College of Science

 The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research obtained approval, in accordance with the letter of the Research and Development Department, No. BT/5122, on 5/19/2024, to open a PhD study in the Department of Applied Geology at the College of Science at Anbar University, starting from the academic year 2025-2026.

This decision comes within the framework of the university’s endeavor to develop its academic programs, improve the quality of education, and meet the needs of the labor market for specialized scientific competencies in the field of applied geology.
The new PhD program aims to prepare scientific cadres specialized in the field of geology capable of conducting scientific research and developing knowledge in this field, in addition to meeting the needs of the labor market for scientific competencies specialized in this field and contributing to the advancement of scientific research in the field of geology in Iraq.
To be accepted into the new doctoral program, the applicant must have a master’s degree in geology and earth science
The duration of study in the doctoral program is three years, and after completing the program requirements, the student is awarded a doctorate in philosophy in geology.
The President of Anbar University, Professor Mushtaq Talib Al-Nada, expressed his happiness with this innovation, stressing the importance of this program in developing higher education in Iraq.

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