A scientific workshop entitled: Utilising Information Technologies to Protect Intellectual Property: Challenges and solutions in light of technological developments

A scientific workshop entitled: Utilising Information Technologies to Protect Intellectual Property: Challenges and solutions in light of technological developments


Within the framework of the direct attention of the University Presidency and under the patronage of the President of Anbar University, Prof. Dr Mushtaq Talib Al-Nada, on the occasion of the activities of the week celebrating World Intellectual Property Day and under the supervision of the Assistant President of the University for Scientific Affairs, Assistant Professor Dr Wissam Hashim Khalil, and the presence of the Dean of the College of Computer Science and Information Technology, Prof. Salah Awad Salman, the University Presidency held a scientific workshop at the College of Computer Science and Information Technology on Thursday 2-5-2024, entitled Using Information Technologies to Protect Intellectual Property: Challenges and Solutions in Light of Technological Developments: Challenges and Solutions in the Light of Technological Developments, at Al-Khwarizmi Hall.

The workshop included two themes, the first (employing information technologies) delivered by Assistant Professor Dr Rabah Nouri Farhan, and the second (technological developments) delivered by Assistant Professor Dr Khalid Shaker Jassim. One of the most important topics discussed was the protection of intellectual property rights in the era of modern technology, which are legal rights that protect innovators and creators and promote innovation and technological development. Intellectual property rights include patents, copyrights, trademarks, industrial designs, and literary and artistic property rights. The dangers of Deep Fake and ways to detect them were presented and discussed in order to protect innovators.



Media and Government Communication Division

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