Scientific Discussion of the PhD Student (Raghad Khalid Mohammed) at the Department of Computer Science

Scientific Discussion of the PhD Student (Raghad Khalid Mohammed) at the Department of Computer Science



The scientific discussion of the PhD dissertation of the student (Raghad Khalid Mohammed), Department of Computer Science, College of Computer Science and Information Technology, University of Anbar, took place on Thursday, 30-5-2024, and the discussion committee consisted of the following:

1- Prof. Dr Murtada Mohammed Hamad / University of Anbar / College of Computer Science and Information Technology / Chairman

2- Prof. Bilal Ismail Khalil / University of Anbar / College of Computer Science and Information Technology / Member

3- Prof. Dr Louay Adour George / University of Information and Communication Technology / Member

4- Prof. Dr Ismail Taha Ahmed / University of Anbar / College of Computer Science and Information Technology / Member

5- Prof Dr Mazen Abd Mohammed / University of Anbar / College of Computer Science and Information Technology

6- Prof. Dr Azmi Tawfiq Hussein / University of Anbar / College of Computer Science and Information Technology / Member and Supervisor

7. Prof. Dr Ali Jubair Daoud / University of Anbar / College of Computer Science and Information Technology / Member and Supervisor


After a thorough discussion of the thesis topic by the committee members, the thesis was accepted.

Congratulations to the student, supervisors, and esteemed committee members


Department of Media and Government Communication

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