Scientific Discussion of the PhD Student (Musa Abdullah Hamid) at the Department of Computer Science

Scientific Discussion of the PhD Student (Musa Abdullah Hamid) at the Department of Computer Science



The scientific discussion of the PhD thesis of the student (Musa Abdullah Hamid) at the Department of Computer Science, College of Computer Science and Information Technology, University of Anbar, was held on Wednesday, 8-5-2024. The discussion committee consisted of the following:

1- Prof. Dr. Murtada Mohammed Hamad / University of Anbar / College of Computer Science and Information Technology / Chairman

2- Assis. Prof. Dr. Issam Taha Yassin / University of Anbar / College of Computer Science and Information Technology / Member and Supervisor

3- Prof. Dr. Wissam Mohammed Jassim / University of Anbar / College of Computer Science and Information Technology / Member and Supervisor

4- Prof. Dr. Athraa Jassim Mohammed / University of Technology / Member

5- Prof. Dr. Omar Abdulrahman Dawood / University of Anbar / College of Computer Science and Information Technology / Member

6- Prof. Dr. Zafer Hamid Abdul / University of Anbar / College of Computer Science and Information Technology / Member

7- Prof. Dr. Khalid Shaker Jassim / University of Anbar / College of Computer Science and Information Technology / Member

After a thorough discussion of the thesis topic by the committee members, the thesis was accepted.

Congratulations to the student, supervisors, and esteemed committee members


Department of Media and Government Communication


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