Scientific workshop entitled: Protecting Personal Data in the Internet Era

Scientific workshop entitled: Protecting Personal Data in the Internet Era


Under the patronage of the Dean of the College of Computer Science and Information Technology, Prof. Dr Salah Awwad Salman, the Women's Affairs Unit, in cooperation with the College of Education for Human Sciences, held a scientific workshop on Monday, 10/6/2024, at the Abi Al-Thana Al-Alousi Hall in the College of Education for Human Sciences, which is considered the fifth stop within the initiative of the campaign (Journey of Light, shining science and knowledge around) launched by the Women's Affairs Unit. The workshop was lectured by Prof. Dr Ahmed Jassim Al-Jaf and Dr Makarem Abdul-Wahid Al-Turki, and was moderated by Prof. Saada Hamdi Suwaidan, head of the Women's Affairs Unit at the College of Education for Human Sciences. The workshop dealt with several topics, the most important of which are the concept of personal data, its types and the importance of protecting it. The workshop aimed to learn how to manage and protect personal data, recognise common threats and apply basic protection practices. At the end of the lectures, several interventions and questions raised by the professors attending the workshop were discussed. At the end of the workshop, Prof. Dr Taha Ibrahim Al-Shabib, Dean of the College of Education for Humanities, presented certificates of thanks and appreciation to the lecturers. The Deanship of the College also extended thanks and praise to the Women's Affairs Unit at the College of Computer Science and Information Technology for the opportunity to hold its knowledge workshop to serve the community, in order to exchange ideas among professors, and stressed the need for continuous communication and cooperation between the two colleges, for the purpose of reworking to hold other meetings and training workshops.



Media and Government Communication Division

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