The President of Anbar University follows up on the progress of the final exams for postgraduate studies for the year 2023-2024

The President of Anbar University follows up on the progress of the final exams for postgraduate studies for the year 2023-2024


On Sunday morning, 2-6-2024, the President of Anbar University, Prof. Mushtaq Talib Al-Nada, visited the College of Computer Science and Information Technology and was received by the Dean of the College, Prof. Salah Awwad Salman, his scientific and administrative assistants and the heads of the scientific departments, where he announced the launch of the final exams for postgraduate students. This visit comes within the framework of the continuous follow-up and the keenness of the university presidency to provide the best appropriate atmosphere for students, and His Excellency stressed the concerted efforts to give a bright image of our beloved university, and at the end of his inspection tour, he appreciated the measures taken by the deanship of the college in providing all the requirements for the success of this process and wishing everyone continued success and success.


Media and Government Communication Division

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