The College launches

The College launches "Journey of Light" initiative to transfer knowledge of artificial intelligence technologies in the university and the community



Within the framework of enhancing the university's role in serving the community, the College's Artificial Intelligence Department launched the "Journey of Light" initiative. This initiative came after a successful workshop at the college. This initiative aims to enhance awareness and knowledge of artificial intelligence and its practical applications, and the college hopes that it will contribute to making a positive impact at the level of the university and society. As the end of the academic year is approaching, we will not stop on this journey, but will continue our lectures electronically. The target group of this initiative is students in both studies (primary and higher), professors and employees This trip had three stops within the university (the first stop at the Faculty of Medicine on 17 March 2024, in which a workshop entitled "Generative Artificial Intelligence in the labour market" was presented, in which Prof. (The second stop was at the Faculty of Arts, where the college participated in the cultural festival held by the Faculty of Arts on 30 April 2024, and the lecturer was M.D. Mohammed Salah Al-Obaidi. ), (The third stop was at the Faculty of Administration and Economics on 6 May 2024, where a workshop entitled "Using Websites in Scientific Research" was held, lectured by Prof. Dr. Atheer Basil Abdulkarim.) It is worth mentioning that the management of these workshops was coordinated with other faculties by the teaching staff, Dr. Makarem Abdulwahid Abduljabbar.


Media and Government Communication Division

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