Webinar discusses family disintegration and juvenile delinquency in the face of drug addiction

Webinar discusses family disintegration and juvenile delinquency in the face of drug addiction


Under the patronage of the Dean of the College of Computer and Information Technology, Prof. Salah Awad Salman, and in conjunction with the campaign launched by Anbar University to combat drug addiction, a webinar entitled "Family Dysfunction and Juvenile Delinquency: Challenges and Solutions in the Face of Drug Addiction" was held on Wednesday, 5 June 2024. Dr Rabah Abdulmajeed Mohammed Al-Hiti from the Department of Sociology at the Faculty of Arts at Anbar University and Dr Shaimaa Abdulaziz Al-Abbasi from the Department of Educational Psychology at the Ibn Rushd College of Education at Baghdad University lectured at the seminar. As part of the partnership with institutions, the seminar hosted the Director of the Human Rights Commission in Anbar, Mr Mohammed Qasim Hussein, and Mr Zakir Maradi. The seminar included interventions and discussions from the audience with the lecturers on the themes of the seminar. It is worth mentioning that this is the second seminar that discusses the causes of family disintegration and its causes held at our college this year, as both seminars came out with recommendations that will be submitted to the Human Rights Commission to reach real results that serve the family and society.


Media and Government Communication Division

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