The Assistant President of the University for Scientific Affairs inspects the progress of the examination process in our college

The Assistant President of the University for Scientific Affairs inspects the progress of the examination process in our college



The central committee of the University Presidency, headed by the Assistant President of the University for Scientific Affairs, Prof. Dr. Wissam Hashim Khalil, and Messrs. (Director of the Department of Postgraduate Affairs - Prof. Mohammed Qais Abd - and Director of the Department of Registration and Student Affairs - Assistant Professor Dr. Imad Khudair Salman -) visited our college on Thursday morning, 16/5/2024, where they were received by the Dean of the College of Computer Science and Information Technology, Prof. Salah Awwad Salman, and the scientific and administrative assistants and heads of scientific departments, respected by them. The committee was briefed on the progress of the examination process in the examination halls, as well as through the surveillance cameras located in the classrooms.

At the end of their inspection tour, the committee praised the measures taken by the deanship of the college and the provision of all requirements for the success of this process, wishing everyone continued success and success.


Media and Government Communication Division

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