A new research and production unit for edible white mushroom has established at the University of Anbar

In Arabic
A new research and production unit for edible white mushroom has established at the University of Anbar

Edible white mushroom is consumed for its nutritional and culinary value since its high-rich with protein, fat, energy, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. It is either wild harvested or cultivated in an appropriate agricultural environment. Therefore, by the rector's office moral and material support to the Centre of Desert Studies (SDC), a new unit was being opened.

The unit is involved in the production of edible white mushroom with a total production capacity of 30 square meters. Projects from this kind are locally and globally significant since the production process of edible mushrooms is economically viable. Furthermore, it provides people with a balanced protein-rich concentrated nutrient food which is necessary for human health. Thus, the production process of edible white mushrooms relays on crop residues and animal waste as a feedstock, thereby contributing to environmental protection.

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