UOA Makes Ready to Host Baccalaureate Examinations
20/ 6/ 2018  ....
President of UOA Receives Eid el-Fetir Well Wishers 20/6/2018
Under the direct supervision of Prof. dr. mushtaq Talib Al-neda, scientific vice-president of UOA, an E-program was designed and executed for the competitive test of postgraduate studies
(Sorouh Al-Jami'ya) newspaper resumes publication in a new look. It is a monthly newspaper covering all the scientific, cultural, artistic and athletic activities of the university
Prof. Dr. Aaref Saleh Mukhlef, UOA administrative vice-president and head of preparatory committee of UOA 1st international conference, chaired a meeting of the committee on Thursday, 31/5/2018