The Teaching Staff of the College of Physical Education - University of Anbar Takes Part in the Conference and Workshop Held by University of Diyala & University of Suleimaniyah

In Arabic
The Teaching Staff of the College of Physical Education - University of Anbar Takes Part in the Conference and Workshop Held by University of Diyala & University of Suleimaniyah

 Under the auspices of the minister of the Higher Education & Scientific research Prof Dr. Andulrazaq Abduljaleel Al-Issa ,  the dean ; Anbar Prof. Dr. Muwafak Asaad Mahmood Al-Hiti ; and some of the teaching staff of the of Physical  Education  & Sport Sciences  College – Anbar  University took part in the 1st International Conference entitled ( Through Sport Societies & Nations Prosper) which was held at Diyalah University (4-5 April, 2018 ) in which many Arab  researchers from Egypt, Tunis and Libya participated in .

          The delegates of our university presented many researches and participated in the scientific  discussions committees of the conference .

          Many distinguished figures have been to the conference including the president , professors and academics of Diyala University   .

          In the context of the conference , many scholars of the college such as Assist prof. Dr. Arif Abduljabbar Hussein , Assist. Prof. Dr. Adnan Fadoos , Dr. Nasr Khalid took part in an international Sport medicine workshop entitled (Sport Injuries & Rehabilitation ) and which was held at Suleimaniyah University  . Many Iraqi and foreign researchers and specialists took part in this workshop which targeted developing the medical activity in sport clubs and colleges of physical educations .He explained the factors that could develop the sport medicine in Iraq.

          The workshop was concluded after delivering certificates of participation to the participants . 


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