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Board of Directors Meeting 8/ 1/ 2024


Board of Directors Meeting 8/ 1/ 2024

With the help of Allah Almighty, the periodic meeting (second session) of the Board of Directors of the Upper Euphrates Basin Developing Centre / University of Anbar for the academic year 2023-2024 was held under the chairmanship of the Director of the Centre, Prof. Dr. Ammar Hatem Kamel and the presence of the members of the Board of Directors, on Monday, 8/1/2024, at the beginning of the meeting, the Council welcomed Engineer Kais Najeh, Director General of the Department of Environment in Anbar Governorate, on the occasion of joining the Board of Directors of the Centre, and this is his first meeting, appreciating the active participation of the Department of Environment in the activities and scientific activities of the Centre. The Council also welcomed Eng. Jamal Odeh Samir, Director General of Water Resources in the governorate, and appreciated the great and pivotal role he plays in the management of water resources in the governorate and his great support for studies and research carried out by the Centre in the field of water resources. After that, the Council discussed the paragraphs on the agenda, took the recommendations thereon and submitted them to the Presidency of the University for Approval. The most important items on the agenda of the meeting are the following:

1-     Discussing a cooperation mechanism with the Anbar Environment Directorate.

2-     Discussing the approval of the formation of research teams within the research lines of the Centre, which are as follows:

A-  Forming a research team for the smart farm project:

-        The idea of the project and the implementation of agricultural matters: a team from the Department of Natural Resources Development.

-        Project administration: joint team from the Energy Research Centre, the College of Engineering and the College of Computer and Information Technology.

A-  Forming a research team of researchers from the Human Resources Development Department at the Centre to conduct a study to evaluate the educational services provided at the level of primary education in Anbar province, with the participation of researchers from the Anbar Directorate of Education.

B-    Forming a research team of researchers from the Human Resources Development Department to study the demographic distribution of the unemployed in Anbar province and the mechanism for finding solutions to this problem. A researcher from the Anbar Department of Labour and Vocational Training of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs is participating in the team.

C-   Formation of research teams to complete a series of studies of the Upper Euphrates databases for the districts of Anbar province.

3-     Discussing the implementation of the saline and sulfur desalination project submitted by the researchers of the research terminal station in Haditha.

4-     Discussing what was stated in the letter of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research - Research and Development Department No. 11411 dated 7/12/2023 containing the recommendations of the minutes of the meeting of the working group on private research laboratories and their danger to national security: Recommendation No. (6), which states "Developing and qualifying currently accredited research centres, increasing their funding and providing them with modern equipment".

5-     Forming a research team to measure emissions and air pollution within the campus of University of Anbar.


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