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The role and impact of legal legislation in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals


The role and impact of legal legislation in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals

Under the generous auspices from The President of University of Anbar, Professor Mushtak Talib Al Neda, who is personally present during (The Week of Sustainable Development), the Upper Euphrates Basin Development Center (UEBDC), in cooperation with the College of Law and Political Science, the Center of Strategic Studies and the Department of Legal Affairs at the University Presidency, established the tagged workshop: (The role and impact of legal legislation in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals).

Prof. Dr. Ammar Hatem Kamel, Director of the UEBDC, noted in his presentation of the workshop, which was also attended by Professor Dr. Hadi Mashaan, Dean of the College of Law, Associate Dean of the College and heads of departments, in addition to the Director of the Renewable Energy Research Center and a number of researchers and academics, the importance of the role of legal legislation in supporting and achieving the sustainable development goals, which became a necessity and was made a choice under Iraq’s international obligations and praised the great support and achievements achieved by University of Anbar in this field.

The workshop began with an opening lecture on the concept of legislation and sustainable development presented by Professor Dr. Alaa Al-Jawani from the College of Law and Political Science and the importance of achieving development goals through legal legislation that supports the optimal application of this concept, it was followed by a lecture by Professor Thaer Shaker Mahmoud, Director of the Center of Strategic Studies, which focused on addressing the 16th goal and the concept of good governance. Then the third lecture by Dr. Abd Erzaij from the College of Law and Political Science, which dealt with the most important laws and legislation related to topics related to sustainable development and the importance of updating and reformulating the texts of these laws in line with the trends and developments of the concept of sustainable development. Dr. Ahmed Odeh, Director of the Legal Affairs Department at the University Presidency, gave a lecture on (the impact of legislative omission on sustainable development)) through which he provided a clear vision on this concept, which indicates the omission of important legislation on development by the legislator as well as the need to amend and reformulate existing laws and develop a full vision on the subject.

Then the discussion was allowed and interventions in which the President of the University stressed through his intervention and comment on the lectures of the workshop on the university's full support to achieve the sustainable development goals through a strategic plan to achieve the vision of the University of Anbar for Sustainable Development 2030, which refers to solid strategic planning starting from its specialized research centers, which translate its commitment to achieving this vision and related development goals such as the UEBDC, the Center of Renewable Energy Research and the Center of Desert Studies, all of which are oriented towards A goal or goals for sustainable development through the Center for Strategic Studies and the Center of Electronic Calculators which supports the concept of planning and electronic governance to reach the principle of good governance through the launch and adoption of quality projects such as University of Anbar project green oasis, waste recycling and support for the quality of education and etc. He also stressed the importance of updating legal legislation that refers to or addresses laws on sustainable development and the need to create legal legislation on sustainable development and achieve associated goals. The need to address what has been termed (legal omission) regarding the legislation of laws relating to sustainable development in addition to the investment of the human factor of the presence of staff and competencies of law professors that can draft laws that support the achievement of these goals. Lectures and studies also pointed to the importance of the sixteenth goal of the Sustainable Development Goals (Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions), which the President of the University praised the choice to focus on this goal and discuss it within the work of the workshop as it relates to the work and role of the university as a leading institution in this field and issued a directive that this goal should be one of the goals to be adopted by the University as part of its participation in the international classifications for next year.

With regard to the support and investment of renewable energies, in an intervention by The Director of the Renewable Energy Research Center, he stressed the need to legislate a renewable energy law in Iraq and that relying on the current Law of the Ministry of Electricity does not achieve or meet the growing need to use solar energy and encourage its investment, and the President of the University stressed his support and adoption of the topic of delivering the recommendations of this legislation to the highest levels and decision makers, as well as the allocation of funds to support the university's orientations to increase the investment of solar energy in university colleges. While another intervention from Professor Dr. Kamal Gazguz, a member in the Board of Directors of our Center, pointed to the proposal to create a scientific department specialized in the concept and objectives of sustainable development and directed the President of the University to develop the idea and prepare a study for the development of the proposal for the purpose of obtaining official approvals of the development. At the end of the workshop, The President of the University expressed his thanks and appreciation to the workshop attendees and the importance of continuing to hold and organize such events because of their importance in raising community awareness of the Sustainable Development Goals and personally supervised the distribution of certificates of appreciation to the lecturers, expressing his sincere thanks and gratitude to them.


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