Scientific symposium entitled: Employing administrative methods and modern technologies in the management and sustainability of water resources projects in Anbar              The Upper Euphrates Basin Developing Centre (UEBDC) opens the first courses for the academic year 2023-2024              Population, food, and the coming up starving ghost              University of Anbar is part of the team charged with studying and determining the path of the green belt in the province              The role and impact of legal legislation in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals


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The Prize of Arab Content Award for Sustainable Development (2022-2023)


The Prize of Arab Content Award for Sustainable Development (2022-2023)

ESCWA, one of the five regional committees of the United Nations Economic and Social Council, launched the Arab Content Prize for Sustainable Development (2022-2023). Where its role is to promote the economic and social development of West Asian countries, including Iraq, through cooperation and integration at the international and regional levels.

The award encourages Arab digital products that have a clear impact on society, and highlights the benefits of digital technologies and their role in accelerating progress towards achieving sustainable development goals. The first cycle of the award was launched during the activities of the Arab Forum for Sustainable Development for the year 2021, where the winners were announced during the forum in 2022. A group of regional experts evaluated the participations.

The award includes two categories, the Institutions category and includes institutions from the public and private sectors, academic, civil society organizations or non-governmental organizations; and Young Entrepreneurs category which includes startups, youth teams, individuals under the age of 35, or any company, group or team where at least one of the founding members must be and the majority of the team is under the age of 35.

Participation remains open until October 15, 2022 and entries can be submitted via the following website:

For more details, visit and download the invitation card from over here


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