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The University of Anbar participates in the meeting of the ISO Energy Committee in Anbar Governorate


The University of Anbar participates in the meeting of the ISO Energy Committee in Anbar Governorate

Assistant Prof. Wissam Hashem Khalil, Director of the Renewable Energy Research Center, and Prof. Dr. Ammar Hatem Kamel, Director of the Upper Euphrates Basin Development Center, participated in the meeting of the Energy ISO Committee in Anbar Governorate, after they were named as members of the above committee, representatives of the University of Anbar, where the university had previously presented a study about the use of hydroelectric energy on the Ramadi Dam and it has leadership in the use of solar energy and wind energy through the building of the Renewable Energy Research Center that works entirely with an alternative or renewable energy using a hybrid system of solar energy and wind energy.

Where the committee held its meeting in the governorate office headed by the Deputy Governor of Anbar for Administrative Affairs – President of the Committee Mr. Jassim Mohammed Abdullah, attended by members of the committee, to discuss several themes covered by the Iraqi national initiative in the use of "clean" renewable energy and reducing emissions harmful to the environment.

The Deputy Governor stressed the committee’s mission to develop a well-studied plan for the governorate in which it relies in the short and long term on the use of inexhaustible alternative and renewable energy sources, each according to its appropriate place within the governorate’s wide area, environmental conditions, and type of need. He indicated that the governorate took its first steps by installing several solar energy cells and its adoption as a source of electric power generation, and there are other projects, governmental contracts, and investment contracts that practically reinforce this trend, in addition to the projects of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) working in the governorate.

Through their interventions, the representatives of the university indicated the keenness and guidance of the university presidency to provide all support, advice, and expertise to this committee to enhance the role of the university in serving the community and its vision of achieving sustainable development goals that include providing renewable energy and promoting its use and the goal of combating climate change and its connection with the seventeen goals of sustainable development within the vision The United Nations and Iraq 2030, which comes from the priorities of the university, and the representative of the United Nations Development Program praised the measures taken by the university in the matter of sustainable development goals.

The formation of the ISO committees for energy in the governorates at the level of Iraq by the Prime Ministry to follow up on Iraq’s commitments comes within the commitments of the member states of the United Nations in the field of using renewable energy and preserving the environment under the Earth Summit held in 2015 in which Iraq participated and has a permanent representative in its institutions, and because Iraq is one of the countries most affected by climate change.

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