The Council of the College of Pharmacy at Anbar University

The Council of the College of Pharmacy at Anbar University

 The Council of the College of Pharmacy at Anbar University held its eighth and final session for the academic year 2023-2024 on Sunday, 9-8-2024.  

Under the chairmanship of the Dean of the College, Assistant Professor Dr. (Atheer Khalaf Zaghir), and in the presence of all the respected members of the Council. The council also hosted a representative of the teaching staff at the College of Pharmacy and the official of the Women’s Affairs Unit at the college. 

The meeting began with a welcome speech by the Council President, the Honorable Dean, the Council members and distinguished guests.

He expressed his thanks and gratitude to them for the efforts made during the academic year. The Council then discussed the topics on the agenda, including:

First: The Honorable Dean presented the directives of His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the directives of the Honorable President of the University and stressed the need to commit to activating its work.

Second: The honorable dean directed the heads of the scientific branches to complete the maintenance and equipping of the scientific laboratories with the necessary materials and equipment, as well as to follow up on the maintenance and rehabilitation of the classrooms in order for them to be ready for the start of the new academic year.

Thirdly, the honorable dean directed the necessity of urging teachers to follow up on research output and contribute to publishing scientific research in reputable international journals.

Fourth: The Honorable Dean discussed the issue of approving the strategic plan for the College of Pharmacy for the years 2024-2028. The paragraphs related to this plan were discussed and approved after making some amendments to it.

The Council then completed its work paper and discussed some scientific and administrative matters.



 College of Pharmacy

 Department of Media and Government Communications

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