
The College of Pharmacy is  one of the important medical colleges at university of Anbar, since it provides government health institutions and the private health sector in Anbar Governorate and other medical institutions all over the country with distinguished medical and pharmaceutical competent graduates that contribute to the dissemination of medical knowledge and accurate pharmaceutical concepts built on solid academic foundations in order to exercise their professional union role in society to the best of its ability. This college aims, through the distinguished development of its staff, to develop the students’ academic performance and develop their abilities and creative aspects, starting from the first basic building blocks of their study.

The College of Pharmacy was established according to the university order No. 8375 on 7/8/2011 based on the approval of the excellency the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research according to a letter from the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research/Department of Studies, Planning and Follow-up - Studies and Planning Department No. 4885 on 27/7/2011 within the university medical campus in Anbar Governorate/Ramadi City. The establishment came about due to the governorate’s urgent need to prepare pharmacists and chemists who would be scientifically and technically competent to carry out pharmaceutical services and chemical analyses. The college was established at the beginning with four scientific departments: medicines and treatments, pharmaceutical sciences and drugs, supporting medical sciences, medical microbiology and biotechnology. Then, the scientific departments were unified based on the Ministry’s directives, which included dividing the scientific departments and unifying them into six scientific departments: pharmaceuticals, pharmaceutical chemistry, drugs and medicinal plants, drugs and toxins, clinical laboratory sciences, and clinical pharmacy.

The number of faculty staff members is currently stands at (54) male and female, many of whom have received the opportunity to complete postgraduate studies from international high range universities from the United Kingdom and America for example. The number of employees of the College of Pharmacy is (50) male and female employees who are distinguished by their high efficiency, which has been reinforced through continuous professional and development courses.

The area of the college is approximately (10,240) square meters, including green spaces and squares designated for students to ensure entertainment and the establishment of extracurricular and sports activities. Many important scientific projects have been accomplished in the college since its establishment until now, including the development of a research laboratory that contains many scientific research devices to ensure the completion of advanced research. As well as, rehabilitating the infrastructure, and equipping classrooms and laboratories with electronic screens in order to display scientific lectures and practical experiments.


Through its future strategic plans, the college administration aims to introduce master’s and doctoral studies in various pharmaceutical sciences, in addition to issuing a scientific journal specialized in pharmaceutical sciences.

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