Scientific Participation (Postgraduate Certificates)

Scientific Participation (Postgraduate Certificates)

Scientific Participation (Postgraduate Certificates)
Professor Dr. (Youssef Hindi Khalaf) A lecturer at the College of Pharmacy, University of Anbar participated as a member and a supervisor for the public examination of the master's student (Zainab Abdul Sattar Khalaf) Department of Chemistry / College of Science / University of Anbar for her thesis which entitled (( The biosynthesis of selenium and palladium nanoparticles as antioxidants, fungi and cancer)) The examination viva take place on Sunday 9/1/2024 at the College of Science, University of Anbar.
Congratulations for the researcher for obtaining the MSc. certificate and we hope for Professor Youssef Hindi Khalaf, PhD for more scientific advancement.

College of Pharmacy
Section of Media and Government Communication


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