Staff Portal
Mehdi Saleh Shalal Hilal Al-Hetty (Professor)

PhD in Histology and embryology

Department of human anatomy - College of Medicine




No. Subjects Lectures Stage File Video
1 Biology Blood First
2 Biology Connective Tissue (Cartilage) First
3 Biology Connective Tissue(Bone) First
4 Biology Connective Tissue First
5 Biology Epith. Tissue First
6 Biology Muscular Tissue First
7 Biology Nervous Tissue First
8 Histology Blood and Hematopoiesis Second
9 Histology Cardio vascular system-The Circulatory System Second
10 Histology Digestive Tract Second
11 Histology Endocrine System Second
12 Histology Eye and Ear Second
13 Histology Lymphoid Organs Second
14 Histology Nervous System Second
15 Histology Organs Associated with Digestive System Second
16 Histology Skin Second
17 Histology The Female Reproductive System Second
18 Histology The Male Reproductive System Second
19 Histology The Respiratory System Second
20 Histology The Urinary System Second
21 Embryology Body Cavities Second
22 Embryology Cardiovascular System Second
23 Embryology Digestive System Second
24 Embryology Embryonic Period Second
25 Embryology Fetal Membranes and Placenta Second
26 Embryology Fetal Period Second
27 Embryology First Week of Development Second
28 Embryology Gametogenesis Second
29 Embryology Genital System Second
30 Embryology Head & Neck Second
31 Embryology Respiratory System Second
32 Embryology Second Week of Development Second
33 Embryology Skeletal System Second
34 Embryology Third Week of Development Second
35 Embryology Urinary System Second


medical biology, anatomy, histology, embrology, digestive systen, skin, glands