Hameed Hussein Farhan Hassan (Assistant Professor)
PhD in Geographic cities
Geographic - Education for Women
Name: Hameed Hussien Farhan
Date of Birth:1/1/1974
Maital Status: married
General specialization: Geography of Humans
pure and accurate speciatization : Geography of Cities
Scientific Degree: ph D
scientific Title : Instructor
Occupation: Teaching staff member
phon member :07812390098
1-Compaison of Ramadi internal Strcture with the gereral theoeies of Cities contions . publishng date 2008
2- Spatial Analysis for the primary Services Healthy centers in Ramadi.publishng date 2009
3- Geographical Analysis for Education Services in Haditha.publishng date 2017
4-Evaluating Efficieny for the Healthy Services in Ameriyah.publishng date 2010
5-Geographical Anlysis for population Attraction in Kirkuk.publishng date 2018
6-Geographical Analysis for the Exploitation of the Religious Land uses in Fallujah for 2018.
7-Geographical Analysis for Sport Services and Its Improvability in the City of Saqlawiya.
1-Participation in the scientific symposium tagged with (edges and integration of science and the future of scientific research) held at the College of Education for Girls / Geography Department of the activities of the 2017/2018 academic year
2-Passing the course tagged with (computer basics and software) held at the Al-Drees Methods and Continuing Education Center, Al-Ramadi website, for the period 7-10/3/2017, according to the book numbered 153 on 6/8/2017
3-Passing a computer course for scientific promotions according to the book No. T/218 on 14/7/2020 issued by the Electronic Calculator Center at the University of Anbar.
Member of the Examination Committee in the Geography Department 4-
5-Evaluation of a research for the purposes of publication in the Journal of Anbar University according to the Armor issue of 219 on 7/21/2020.
6-Subjects to be taught:
A - Planning and development for the second phase
b- Geographical statistics for the third stage
C- Urban studies for the third stage
D - Geography of development for the fourth stage
E - Housing Geography - Master's degree
F- Geography of the Arab World / Department of History, Phase II
G - General Geography / History Department - the first stage