Staff Portal
Hameed Hussein Farhan Hassan (Assistant Professor)

PhD in Geographic cities

Geographic - Education for Women


Name: Hameed Hussien Farhan

Date of Birth:1/1/1974

Maital Status: married

General specialization: Geography of Humans

pure and accurate speciatization : Geography of Cities

Scientific Degree: ph D

scientific Title : Instructor

Occupation: Teaching staff member

phon member :07812390098


 1-Compaison of Ramadi internal Strcture with the gereral theoeies of Cities contions . publishng date 2008

2- Spatial Analysis for the primary  Services Healthy centers in Ramadi.publishng date 2009

3- Geographical Analysis for Education Services in Haditha.publishng date 2017

4-Evaluating Efficieny for the Healthy Services in Ameriyah.publishng date 2010

5-Geographical Anlysis for population Attraction in Kirkuk.publishng date 2018

6-Geographical Analysis for the Exploitation of the Religious Land uses in Fallujah for 2018.

7-Geographical Analysis for Sport Services and Its Improvability in the City of Saqlawiya.


No. Subjects Lectures Stage File Video
1 Urban studies Urban Geography and its important Third
2 Urban studies Urbanization Third
3 Urban studies Urban land use maps Third
4 Urban studies Commercial land uses Third
5 Urban studies Residential land uses Third
6 Urban studies housing problem Third
7 Urban studies Industrial use land Third
8 Urban studies Special Purpose land transport Third
9 Urban studies Urban population Third
10 Urban studies Morphology city Third
11 Urban studies Classification Cities Third
12 Urban studies Parties rural – urban Third
13 Urban studies Central place Theory Third
14 Urban studies City region Third
15 Geography of Cities Approach city Research Third
16 Geography of Cities Concept of city Third
17 Geography of Cities Internal Structure of city Third
18 Geography of Cities Sectors Theory Third
19 Geography of Cities Multi sectors Theory Third
20 Geography of Cities Precepts Internal structure of city Third
21 Geography of Cities Land use of city Third
22 Geography of Cities Land use of commercial Third
23 Geography of Cities Land use of Industry Third
24 Geography of Cities Land use 0f Residential Third
25 Geography of Cities Land use of Recreation Third
26 Geography of Cities Land use of Transportation Third
27 Geography of Cities Classification of cities Third
28 Geography of Cities Size of cities Third
29 Geography of Cities Economic Basic Third


1-Participation in the scientific symposium tagged with (edges and integration of science and the future of scientific research) held at the College of Education for Girls / Geography Department of the activities of the 2017/2018 academic year

  2-Passing the course tagged with (computer basics and software) held at the Al-Drees Methods and Continuing Education Center, Al-Ramadi website, for the period 7-10/3/2017, according to the book numbered 153 on 6/8/2017

   3-Passing a computer course for scientific promotions according to the book No. T/218 on 14/7/2020 issued by the Electronic Calculator Center at the University of Anbar.

  Member of the Examination Committee in the Geography Department 4-

  5-Evaluation of a research for the purposes of publication in the Journal of Anbar University according to the Armor issue of 219 on 7/21/2020.

 6-Subjects to be taught:

A - Planning and development for the second phase

b- Geographical statistics for the third stage

C- Urban studies for the third stage

D - Geography of development for the fourth stage

E - Housing Geography - Master's degree

F- Geography of the Arab World / Department of History, Phase II

G - General Geography / History Department - the first stage