Staff Portal
Abdullah Ahmed Derea (Assistant Lecturer)

MSc in Political Science
University services - University of Anbar


Abdullah Ahmed Derea 
Assistant Lecturer

MSc in Political Science
University services - University of Anbar


Bachelor of  Political Science:
Department of Political Science/College of Political Science - University of Baghdad 2016
Master of Political systems: 
Department of Government and Local Administration/ College of Political Science - University of Baghdad 2019
Higher Diploma: 
Department of Peace and Conflict Transformation/ College of Arts - University of Baghdad 2022


1. Member of the Iraqi Association for Political Science.

2. Lectures on democracy and human rights

3.Scientific symposium on the duties of members of provincial councils / Iraqi Association for Political Science.

4. Scientific symposium on combating drugs and psychotropic substances in Iraq: their social and health effects and the necessary measures to address them / Iraqi Association for Political Science


1. Democratic institutions challenges and opportunities.

2. The crisis of political participation between democratic frameworks and societal culture (a community study on Anbar Governorate).

3. The role of administration in combating climate and environmental changes and their impact on women and society.