Staff Portal
Hasan Jijan Sabaar (Assistant Lecturer)

MSc in Physical Education and Sports Science
Sports Education - Physical Education


The name is Hassan Jigan Sabbar, born in 1978, married and have five children. He holds a master's degree in physical education and sports sciencesThe name is Hassan Jigan Sabbar, born in 1978, married and have five children. He holds a master's degree in physical education and sports sciences


1- Tyre harmonic exercises for the armed arm in some mental abilities and offensive skills in the fencing weapon

2- Exercises with increasing and decreasing the distance between the two courtyards in developing the accuracy of the serve in tennis

3- The effect of kinetic games on learning the skills of erecting and undermining the tent among students of the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences




- Responsible for the Scout Unit in the Student Activities Department

- Associate member of the Scout Leaders Course and the Wooden Badge

Scout leader in many scout camps