Staff Portal
Zuhair Abdalstar Ahmed (Assistant Lecturer)

MSc in Parasitology
Laboratory and Clinical Sciences branch - Pharmacy




No. Subjects Lectures Stage File Video
1 Biochemistry Practical Carbohydrates Third
2 Biochemistry Practical proteins Third
3 Biochemistry Practical Lipids Third
4 Biochemistry I Salkowiski reaction, Rancidity Test Third
5 Biochemistry I Introduction to fats, Copper Third
6 Biochemistry I Seliwanoff’s Test, Bial's Test, Iodine Test Third
7 Biochemistry I Introduction to disaccharides and polysaccharides Third
8 Biochemistry I Molisch Test, Benedict Test, Barfoed's Test Third
9 Biochemistry I Introduction to Carbohydrates Third
10 Biochemistry I Test for cystein and cystine and Xanthoproteic Rea Third
11 Biochemistry I Nitroprusside reaction, Rosenheim reaction Third
12 Biochemistry I Millon's reaction experiment Third
13 Biochemistry I Ninhydrin reaction experiment Third
14 Biochemistry I Biuret reaction experiment Third
15 Biochemistry I Introduction to proteins Third
