Staff Portal
Ayman Huri Yaseen Hussain AL Anzi (Lecturer)

PhD in Arabic Language.
Teacher Assistant
Arabic - Education for Women


 Date of Birth: 15/08/1977

Religion: Muslim

Martial statues: Married

No. of children: 3

Specialization: Arabic Language

Position: Teacher.

Scientific Degree:PhD in Arabic Language.

Work Address: Anbar University- Education Girls College.

Work Phone: 07811855932

Mobile: 07811855932




Degree science


college of Education for Girls

Tikrit University

PhD degree


1-The case between the     University magazine     2008

2- Difference   grammarians   and      university  magazine    2-13

3- Coming that  policewomen            magazine  University









No. Subjects Lectures Stage File Video
1 Quranic grammar MP for doing the matter Fourth
2 Quranic grammar Object for him Fourth
3 Quranic grammar Common meanings in prepositions Fourth
4 Quranic grammar That and its sign for the future Fourth
5 Quranic grammar Working in trrms of Quranic grammar Fourth
6 Quranic grammar negatives are what and That Fourth
7 Quranic grammar How interrogative and their meanings Fourth
8 Quranic grammar Waw for attention and assurance Fourth
9 Quranic grammar Verbs and their temporal connotations Fourth
10 Quranic grammar Rotation of prepositions Fourth
11 Quranic grammar The reasoning in the letters on and from and in Fourth
12 Quranic grammar Uses of the present tense Fourth
13 Quranic grammar Works between accusative and elevation Fourth


 1_My participation in the virtual scientific workshop The Ethics of Scientific Love, which was held by the Education Arena for the Humanities in cooperation with the Center for Continuing Education.

 2-My participation in the scientific workshop entitled Corona between the crisis of lights and education, which was held by the elite university dog.

 3-My participation in the scientific course held by the College of Education for Girls, the Protective University, and it was entitled “The Mechanism for Registration in Global Platforms.

 4-My participation in the scientific symposium held by the University of Kirkuk, Faculty of Arts, which was entitled Possible Worlds in the Light of the Cosmological Approach.

 5-My participation as supervisor of the 2021 parliamentary elections.