The First Cultural Festival of the College of Law

In Arabic
The First Cultural Festival of the College of Law

 Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Khaled Batal Al-Najim  president of Anbar University & supervised by Prof. Dr. Mufeed Nayif Torki the dean of the college , College of Law & Political Sciences of Anbar University has been holding  its first cultural festival from ( 9-10 April , 2018 ) at the college premises .

          At first the Iraqi national anthem was played and followed by reciting the Opening chapter of the Holy Quran for the souls of the Iraqi martyrs .The speech of the dean of the college came after that in which he confirmed that the college was working hard so as to progress and boost the scientific & cultural achievements  of our dear university , at the same time , congratulating the students for this real  togetherness which came out of their intimacy to their university in addition to their continual voluntary campaign for  advancement  .

          Many patriotic poems were recited through this event .Accompanied by a number of professors , the university president inaugurated the Calligraphy , Artistic  Fair & a Book Fair which were held in collaboration with Qudama Al-Mallah Bookshop which comprised books of law , politics , arts , human development and academic books .

          The festival was concluded after the dean gave presents to the participants

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