Inaugurating Many Depts. of the College of Engineering

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Inaugurating Many Depts. of the College of Engineering


In addition to inaugurating many Depts. and labs  of the College of Engineering , the president of Anbar University Prof. Dr. Khaled Batal Al-Najim inspected the finishing stages of work progress at many other buildings of the college on April 8 , 2018  .

          Accompanied by the dean of the College of Engineering Assist. Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Al-Jumaili , the university president inaugurated the Depts. of Chemical Engineering and Petrochemicals , and the Computer Lab .He toured  through the teaching classes , hall of  Ibn Al-Haitham and Celebrations hall of the college .

          He inspected the finishing progress at the premises of the College of Civil Engineering , engineering workshops  and  lecturing halls where he met the engineers supervising the work  ,and at the same time , he appreciated the efforts exerted by the work team to accomplish these projects on time .


In this respect , the university president headed the meeting of  the committee of applying the international criteria (ABET) .Among the attendants were the deans of the Colleges of Engineering and Computer & Information technology  and the committee's members .


          The meeting discussed the quarterly report of (ABET) work at the College of Engineering and some notes by the university president about this subject .

The university president appreciated the efforts of the committee and directed the College of Computer to adopt (ABET) System as did the College of Engineering .He promised and showed his readiness to support endlessly to bring success to this experience .He gave his orders to use the presumptive labs  of Avicenna Section instead of the practical lectures due to its insufficient quantity in addition to many matters  related to cooperation and coordination mechanism between the two colleges .



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