The College of Education for Humanities Holds a Symposium on Teaching Applications Theoretically and Practically

In Arabic
The College of Education for Humanities Holds a Symposium on Teaching Applications Theoretically and Practically


In the presence of the Dean of the College of Education for Humanities the Prof Dr. Taha Ibrahaim Shabeeb, the Department of the Educational and Psychological Sciences held an electronic symposium entitled ( The Teaching Application Theoretically and Practically ) which included several topics most important of them are namings , conceptions , terms and ethics of education profession ( The better and worse samples for the teachers, their sources , education ethics preferred by the students, the significance of the job ethics in the educational field). The topics of the symposium also included the teacher's duties ( the vocational , towards his school , towards his students and towards the local society ) .

The symposium recommended to pay attention with the applied students to be of wide acquaintance in his specialization to avoid embracing or problems that may face him during the application and to the sound educational dealing with the students which this matter has a significance in achieving goals that the applicable and his students endeavor to achieve them notifying that this term is deliberating at the colleges of Education ( The College of Education for Humanities , The College of Education for Pure Sciences, The College of Education for the Girls , The College of Physical Education and The Colleges of Islamic Sciences which added this subject and some educational and Psychological subjects to their curricula in order to be among the colleges that have right to be appointed as teachers in the secondary schools), and they are educationally qualified because they study educational and psychological sciences.    


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