Al-Anbar University Holds Poetry Festival to Support Prophet Mohammed God Bless Him

In Arabic
Al-Anbar University Holds Poetry Festival to Support Prophet Mohammed God Bless Him

    Under the auspices of Dr. Khalil Ibrahim Al-Dulaimi, Al-Anbar University President, and in cooperation with the collage of arts, the cultural forum held a poetry festival to support Prophet Mohammed God bless him in titled (praises flower….love poems for Prophet Mohammed).

     The festival was inaugurated with Holy Quran recital, afterwards, Dr. Abdul Kareem Ajeel Al-Jibawi, head of cultural forum delivered a speech on the Islamic message of prophet Mohammed God bless him to the world as a whole, which became a lightening represented in Holy Quran to be guided until judgment day.

     Dr.Al-Jibawi instructed how to respond to abuses to Prophet through holding symposiums at all governmental institutions to express Muslims keenness to support Prophet. Dr. Fuad Mutaleb, a teacher at collage of arts/Arabic language section, delivered a poem in titled musk holder where  the poet expressed Prophet strong personality and senior futures that God granted as in many Holy Quran expressions.

     A number of teachers and students, also, delivered poems in love of Prophet Mohammed and how to react against abuses on the Prophet as shown in the recent film.

    The festival was attended by Dr. Sadi Majeed Ashour administrative assistant, Dr.  Kasim Nyef Alwan ISO section manager, Dr. Abdul Azziz Khuder Al-Jasim, university planning and follow up section manager, and a number of teachers and students.

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