Registration and Student Affairs Department

Registration and Student Affairs Department    

Profile of the Registration and Student Affairs Department

The Registration and Student Affairs department was founded with the first building of the University of Anbar in 1987 and was named the Department of Student Affairs till 2009. The name was changed according to the instructions of the Ministry. The department consists of two sections; each section consists of three units.

Organizational Chart

President of University

Assistant President of Scientific Affairs

Departments affiliated to the University Presidency

Registration and Student Affairs Department




     Registration and Admission Unit                                   Students affairs unit

   -Central Admission Unit                                             -The Documents Authentication Unit

   -Direct Admission Unit                                               -Administrative Unit

   - Amendment of Nomination Unit                               - Documents and Certificates Unit

   -Statistics Unit.                                                             -Transfer & Degree Accreditation Unit


Evening Studies Unit

-Admission and Registration Unit

-Administrative Unit

-Documents and Certificates Unit


 The Staff of the Department







Assist. Prof. Dr.  Maath Helal Jassim


Teaching Staff


Dr. Emad Khudair Suleiman

Assistant Director

Teaching Staff


Yassir Hussein Abd

An official of Registration and Admission 



Mohammed Uhmaid Rashid

Central Admission Unit



Samah Ismil Atewi

Amendment of Nomination Unit

Senior Programmer


Elaf Qassim SaadAllah

Direct Admission Unit

Assistant Programmer


Abdulrahman Abbas Mukhlif

Statistics Unit

Assistant Programmer


Abdulrahman Ibrahim Mustafa

An official of Students Affair Section



Abdulrahman Ibrahim Mustafa

 Unit of Authentication



Sari Abdullah Mohammed

Administrative Unit

Assistant Observer


Mustafa Adnan Therthar

Documents Unit

Assistant Programmer


Elaf Qassim SaadAllah

Transfer and Degree Accreditation Unit

Assistant Programmer 


Sari Abdullah Mohammed

An official of Evening Studies Section

Assistant Observer


Sari Abdullah Mohammed

Acceptance and Registration Unit

Assistant Observer


Yasir Hussein Abd

Administrative Unit



Mohammed Uhmaid Rashid

Documents and Certificates Unit



 Sections of the Department

A-The section of Registration and Documents consists of:

1. The Unit of Central Admission and Direct Admission.

i. Prepare the reception and guidance center to instruct the students how to fill the application forms for the Colleges affiliated with the central admission. It also supervises the students who apply to direct admission according to the instructions issued by the Ministry every year.

ii. The reception and distribution of the central admission lists from the Ministry and issuing the minimum limits per year.

iii. Checking the documents of the admitted students via the formation of a checking committee and handling the cases that may occur and submitting them to the University as a checking report to discuss in the University Council.

iv. Follow-up the objections of students and transferring them from the highest to the lowest and amend their nomination.

E. The standardization of University graduates letters and publishing them on the University website for all the years since the establishment of the University.

2. Checking Documents and Certification Unit

This unit checks documents issued by the Colleges of our University and certifies them to be sent as lists to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs by the official in charge of Checking Documents Unit, as well as sending and following-up certificates and postgraduate documents in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This unit also checks the University Letters for graduates for the first and second attempts for each year. It follows-up the documents units in the Colleges as well as the authorized officials of Colleges and their official stamps. In addition, it receives the money paid for certification with a special receipt belongs to documents unit and delivers them to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.




3. Amend the Nomination and Transfer Unit

This unit functions to amend the nomination of students who wish to amend their nomination from and to our University in accordance with the minimum limits for each academic year. It sorts out the names of students whose nominations have been amended according to the Colleges of our University. Furthermore, the unit distributes the terms and conditions of students transfer between the Iraqi Universities, the transfer from outside Iraq and the opening of files for students transferred from outside Iraq every year.

B - The section of Students Affairs consists of:

1. Authentication Document Unit:

The unit is the most important unit in the University presidency for it functions to checking the authentication of the documents of the University graduates for all Ministries where the employment is made. It sends the authentication of the appointed employee in our University. It also follows-up the sending and receiving of relevant letters. Furthermore, its job includes the cooperation with the cultural attaches affiliated with the Iraqi embassies in respect of University graduates working outside Iraq, holders of secondary school certificates from abroad and those accepted in our university. Moreover, it counts the cases of forgery and manipulation of documents and informs the Office of the general inspector of the Ministry, taking the legal actions in cooperation with the Legal Affairs in the University presidency.

2. The Statistics and Information unit:

This unit prepares the statistic data for students who are already admitted, registered and participated in the final exams. It prepares the statistic data for success rates, students whose nominations have been amended and those students transferred from and to the University. It also implements the annual plan of admission, in addition to the five-year plan and the follow-up of everything related to the growth of Colleges and University departments.

3. Filing and Archiving Unit:

It follows-up, files and archives incoming and outgoing official documents and educational publications concerning the instructions received from the Ministry and circulating them to the Colleges of the University and all its scientific departments.


The Powers of the Director

The Director exercises the following powers:

1. The distribution of tasks among the employees in the department.

2. Granting the routine leaves that do not exceed 10 days and the approval of sick leaves.

3. Recommend the approval of routine leaves and sick leaves, which exceed 10 days, in addition to the study leaves.

4. Supervision of the performance and the follow-up of the activities of employees.

5. The recommendation to disciplinary proceedings on the negligent employees.

6. The proposal to grant commendation and appreciation to the distinguished and creative employees.

7. The recommendation to grant promotion and upgrade bonus to the employees in the department.

8. Recommendation of appointment, placement of staff and dispensation of any of the employees in the department according to the laws and regulations.

9. The proposal to assign the staff in the department an overtime work according to the laws and regulations of the organization.

10. The staff represents the department in the scientific and technical conferences and seminars.

11. The distribution of tasks and responsibilities between the employees in order to help develop the performance of the work as specified.

12. Recommend to delegate the employees of the department inside the country for a period not exceeding one week.

13. To recommend various allocations for all employees in the department.

14. Evaluation of the performance of the staff and submitting it to the relevant authorities.

15. The proposal of a temporary appointment of employees to fill the shortage in the staff to ensure work flow.

16. To recommend the fixation of the staff of the department after their completion of the approbation period.

17. Recommend the assignment to some employees of the department in case of one of the employee’s routine and sick leaves or when delegated.


18. Any other powers authorized by his immediate superiors.

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