Third International Scientific Conference for Humanities and Social Sciences: Meeting of the Scientific Committee
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Third International Scientific Conference for Humanities and Social Sciences: Meeting of the Scientific Committee



In the Third International Scientific Conference for the Humanities and Social Sciences, in the presence of Prof. Dr. Thaer Shaker Mahmoud, Director of the Center for Strategic Studies in the Scientific Committee. The Committee convened its inaugural meeting today, Tuesday, May 28, 2024, with Professor Dr. Nabil Jassim Muhammad serving as chairman and the Scientific Committee members in attendance. for the gathering. The meeting's main focus was on making the required arrangements for the conference, which is slated to take place on October 30-31, 2024. The most crucial tasks included deciding when to accept abstracts and which ones are acceptable, as well as when to accept research. Basic questions concerning the exact assignment of responsibilities to the leaders of the axis and members of the Scientific Committee were also discussed during the meeting.