A conversation seminar regarding the agreement of understanding with the Geneva Center
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A conversation seminar regarding the agreement of understanding with the Geneva Center

 A seminar on the memorandum of understanding between the Geneva Centre for Security Policy and the Centre for Strategic Studies was facilitated by Prof. Dr. Thaer Shaker Al-Hiti, the director of the Centre for Strategic Studies. An important conversation session on the procedures for initiating the memorandum of understanding recently signed between our center and the Geneva Center for Security Policy in Switzerland was held today, attended by all of the center's academics. Dr. Tariq Hamid, the department head of Security Studies, highlighted the potential for funding the variety of research and educational initiatives offered by the Geneva Center in his succinct presentation on the mechanics of activating the memorandum of understanding during the seminar. Additionally, expanding potential for cooperation with the University of Geneva were presented by Assistant Professor Dr. Dared Moayed Abd, head of the Department of Relations, Missions, and Cultural Relations. He highlighted the potential advantages of this collaboration on a number of fronts. The relentless efforts of Anbar University to broaden the scope of scientific and knowledge exchange and improve international cooperation with esteemed academic and research institutions worldwide are complemented by this seminar.