College of Engineering Welcomes Fifth and sixth Pupils of a Preparatory School

In Arabic
College of Engineering Welcomes Fifth and sixth Pupils of a Preparatory School


Taking into consideration the orders of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research about the necessity of involving and widening the pupils' recognition of  academic campus  and according to the mentioning  above and after getting the official agreements , Ghirnata Preparatory School had a scientific  visit (practical 5th and 6th ) to the College of Engineering yesterday 15 March , 2018 .They were welcomed by prof. Dr. Ibrahim Al-Jumaili , heads of the scientific departments and chairman of Media section & public Relations of the college

At the beginning of the meeting , the dean welcomed Mr. Ahmed Hammad Ali the assistant of  schoolmaster  of , Ghirnata Preparatory School , the teaching staff and pupils at the College of Engineering .He summarized the date of the college establishment and its scientific departments .Then the pupils and their teachers accompanied by the heads of departments after they were divided into two groups to watch the lecturing halls , labs and apparatuses .They toured the departments of the college and talked to the professors in order strengthen knowledge and respect ties among them .

By his role , Assist. Schoolmaster and the teaching staff expressed their gratitude to the college' dean and his assistants for students affairs  for the warm welcome , wishing them all more creativity and progress .


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