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Anbar 1st International Medical Conference (AIMCO 2020)

COVID-19: Updates on Management and Outcome

The Anbar 1st International Medical Conference (AIMCO-2020) and the 8th Medical Conference is scheduled for November 28-29, 2020, entitled COVID-19; Updates on Management and Outcome.

The event is organized by the College of Medicine in collaboration with the College of Pharmacy, University of Anbar with the partnership of the United Iraqi Medical Association in UK & Ireland (UIMA) and Royal College of Pathologist (RCPath), United Kingdom. His Excellency, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Nabeel Kadhim Abid Al-Sahib sponsored the conference under the supervision of the University of Anbar Rector, Dr. Mushtak Talib Al-Neda and directed by the Dean of College of Medicine, Dr. Thakir Mohammed Mohsin.

In addition to the Iraqi national experts, speakers from the World Health Organization (WHO), Royal College of Pathologist (RCPath), United Kingdom, University of Stanford – United State (USA), Saudi Arabia, Hamad Medical Corporation - State of Qatar, United Arab Emirates, will participate and share the AIMCO-2020 activities.

Due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, AIMCO-2020 will be delivered in a virtual space, rather than in-person. The conference will provide a platform for Iraq and international medical community to share knowledge, learn, discuss ideas and concerns, and reflect on COVID-19 era. AIMCO-2020 focuses specifically on new updates and practical clinical applications in the entire medical fields related to COVID-19. The speakers are a multidisciplinary group of national and internationally recognized experts that represent the spectrum of these fields.

Delegates will have exclusive access to presentations from experts on current clinical practice and the latest developments in the fields of COVID-19 pandemic, and they will be able to share research with colleagues via abstracts and poster presentations.

Programme details will be released soon.

Dr Abdulsalam A Al-Ani
Consultant Haematopathologist
Chair of the Scientific Committee

28-29, Nov 2020

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Welcome Message from the Conference Chair

On behalf of the AIMCO-2020 organizing committee and our Partners, I am honored and delighted to welcome you to the Anbar 1st International Medical Conference- Covid-19 Updates on Management and Outcome.

The scientific activities will be delivered online to ensure safety of our participants. The conference will be held over 2 days (28-29, November,2020).

AIMCO-2020 is a platform for scientists and professionals in different fields of medicine from Iraq and from different parts of the world who are in the front lines in defending people against Covid-19. I believe we have chosen a Theme that guarantees a successful technical conference touching different aspects of this pandemic. I also believe that this forum will provide the partners including eminent scientists numerous opportunities for informal networking.

As a conference chair of AIMCO-2020, I know that the success of the conference depends ultimately on many people who have worked with us in planning and organizing the program. In particular, we thank those for their wise advice and brilliant suggestions on organizing the technical program; the scientific Committee for their thorough efforts, the Local Organizing Committee members, United Iraqi Medical Association in UK & Ireland (UIMA), and Royal College of Pathologist (RCPath) who have all worked extremely hard for the details of important aspects of the conference programs. I am also particularly excited about the upcoming presentations from our keynote speakers. Most of all, I thank the participating eminent researchers from different countries for enriching this conference with their presence. I hope you will enjoy the content, get new ideas, and above all, have a good time.

Dr. Thakir M Mohsin
Dean of college of medicine
University of Anbar
Conference chair of AIMCO-2020

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