Launch of the Third International Conference on Humanities and Social sciences

Launch of the Third International Conference on Humanities and Social sciences

Under the auspices of His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Naim Al-Aboudi, and under the supervision of Mr. President of Anbar University. Prof. Dr. Mushtaq Talib al-Nada's, under the slogan: "Scientific Research Our Path to Development", the University of Anbar announces the holding of its third international scientific conference entitled: "Ethics and knowledge production in the current societal transformations" for the period of 30 - 31/10/2024.

We invite researchers and postgraduate students to participate actively by submitting their research through the website installed within the conference's pamphlet. The accepted research will be published in journals within Scopes (Q2) after undergoing scientific assessment and electronic inference.

Conference themes:

- Languages and literature.

- Historical studies.

- Geographical studies.

- Sociology.

- Media and strategic studies.

Important timings: - Start receiving research summaries from 1/6/2024 - Deadline for receiving research summaries: 15/6/2024 - Select accepted summaries and notification of acceptance: 20/6/2024 - Deadline for receiving full research: 15/7/2024 - Date for sending invitations to researchers: 15/10/2024


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