A joint research team publishes in a reputable journal within the Q1 classification

A joint research team publishes in a reputable journal within the Q1 classification

 A joint research team from the University of Anbar - College of Science, Keele University in Britain, and Moscow University in Russia, was able to complete a scientific research and publish it in a journal.

  (Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring and Management) which falls within the classification of Q1 and Cite Score: - 7.3 with an impact factor of 5.95. The team consisting of: 
 Wahran M. Saud, Ian W. Oliver, David F. Thompson, Simon Holborn, Alessandro Contini, Vladimir Zholobenko
 The search title is
  Magnesium oxide loaded mesoporous silica: synthesis, characterization and use in removing lead and cadmium from water supplies.
 The aim of the study in this research is to prepare magnesium oxide nanoparticles packed with porous silica (MgO-mSiO2) for the purpose of improving the ability of porous silica in the adsorption of pollutants.
 The properties of the prepared compounds were studied using a set of analytical techniques.
 A full evaluation of the adsorption capacity of the prepared compounds was carried out, and the effectiveness was studied in the adsorption of lead and cadmium ions from water under different conditions.
 Comparing the adsorption of lead and cadmium ions using commercially obtained magnesium oxide nanoparticles (mSiO2) and porous silica particles prepared in the laboratory.
 Where it was found that the prepared nanocomposite has a high ability to adsorb lead and cadmium ions in certain conditions, where the removal efficiency reached (> 99%), thus presenting a promising option for the treatment of polluted water.
 It is worth noting that the researchers of College of Science having a very wide range published  in international journals.

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